Hello again! It has been a crazy time since my last post. Well this is
a very important post for me as I am introducing my photographer Shreya through
this one. When universe works in magical ways, you find someone who totally
believes in you, shares your thoughts and supports you. That is Shreya to me. She
is fun, focused, super talented and a lot more. It’s amazing how we gel and it
has been such an awesome experience starting this post itself. More
importantly, she is around whenever I need her. Works around my busy schedule!!
So she is going to be my photographer for the next few posts!!
So for now, I am totally thrilled about introducing my first maxi
dress here as I have been kinda obsessed with them since the time they became a
rage. And truthfully, its been quite a love affair. Generally about maxi
dresses, I think its that piece of clothing which is great with all body types
and there are so many ways of wearing them making it ideal for any occasion.
I personally own many and now I feel certain types have got too common.
As a result, I have become very selective about the types that I pick up. Trust
me, this is also my way of not completely losing interest in them by owning too many and not really knowing how much wear I will get out of them.
Dress: This is the first maxi dress on my blog and the reason I
have titled the post ‘Maxi Madness” is because this is no ordinary maxi dress.
It’s got unusually long slits on either side which also somehow gives it the
feel of a long top. A top inevitably calls for bottoms underneath it. You can
see that the dress has an inbuilt inner. But I was certain I was not going to stop
at that for the fear of it cropping up after any movement. So I decided to pair
it with a light, short and well fitting pencil skirt.
Skirt: This is a Ted Lapidus skirt that I picked up at a
discount a few years ago. It’s a weightless black skirt with white florals so
flimsy that after buying I had no idea how to wear it. I usually ended up
wearing it over opaque tights and teaming it with a sheer white shirt. But I
never let it go thinking I will someday put it to a more fruitful use than
that. So when the dress arrived and I tried it on for the first time, I paired
it with two other little black skirts that I tossed later as it was making the
overall look unnecessarily bulky. That’s when I ended up going ahead with this
one. The whole idea of the right inner clothing is to take enough care and
caution to prevent even the slightest possibility of the overall outfit going
wrong. Anyways, I felt this skirt was the right fit. And since I have put on so
much weight it fitted perfectly and I was absolutely comfortable.

Bag: This is actually a bag- pack from this adorable online
clothing and accessories brand called 20 Dresses. I checked them out after I
read about them in Economic Times! What an intellectual forum to discover
fashion. Of course, they were featured in an article about online startups in the
fashion world along with a few other amazing on- line fashion sites. The
material is quite soft and came with the perfect fringes finished with funky
metal skulls. I added my own twist of using it as a sling and not the bag-pack
way to better complement my outfit.
Hat: The hat was an integral part of this outfit right from the
time it was conceptualized. I happily went about hunting for the ideal hat and
found it at Forever New. A woolly woolly hat perfectly complimenting the
knitted fabric of my dress. However, I have very well factored it into my head
that I will not be using it a lot except in those months which faintly, very
faintly have a resemblance to winter in this super hot city.
Boots: This wonderful pair has got components that I really
love. Be it suede or the criss-cross lace up. Sturdy, comfy and adorably black.
The good thing about an outfit with a slit, such as a dress or a long skirt, is
the amount of attention you need to pay to your choice of footwear. And if my
outfit is unique, I am not gonna spoil it with the wrong foot wear. Well in
this case, these black suede boots just fit the bill.
Jewelry: You know I was
clear about one thing that this outfit is gonna remain grey and black no matter
what. And since silver to me is nothing but some sheen on grey, it was totally
cool to have it along. So I assorted three different bracelets that included a complete
silver, a complete black and lastly a braided black and silver together. Since,
my fringy bag had those skulls hanging at the ends, I thought I’ll let my
jewelry have a grunge coordination. My skull ear studs, a black skeleton
pendant and a dark heart added some sense to this aspect.

The look: I love how comfortable maxi dresses are, but I wanted
the one that will turn heads and this one achieved that for me. I loved how the
slits make it float and fall with every tread of mine. We totally loved
shooting while trotting all the way through the bye-lanes. The trouble with this
dress although was the really long length and the filth that it gathered along
with it at the bottom. I was careful though, lifted it wherever possible. I only
have to be careful with every step I take or while climbing up the staircase as
it tends to get smashed under my foot. But I guess that’s the price I would
have to pay for glam that it offers. The outfit was perfect for an evening of coffee
with friends and did not hurt as it erupted into drinking and dancing later.
This outfit was simply my dream come true of a head turning maxi. I am now
going keep it away for some time and take it out for some special gig on a
Saturday night. I am hoping its deep house or drum & bass!!
Dress: Urban Outfitters; Skirt: Ted Lapidus; Bag: 20 Dresses; Boots: Forever 21; Earrings: Miss Flurrty; Cuffs: Ayesha Accessories; Neckpieces: Accessorise; Hat: Forever New